Friday, September 29, 2006

I Can't Believe

I can't believe it is the end of September already. Boy! time as flown. Fall is here and we will be changing our clocks at the end of October. You can see the Fall coming in. The leaves are turning colors already. I think the folliage will be early this year. I hope it lasts for awhile. The trees are so beautiful at this time, but sometimes when the folliage comes early, it doesn't last as long.

Remember that String technique card that I was doing? Well here it is I finally uploaded it. For some reason it takes a couple of times before it actually loads. Any one else have that problem? Probably not it's just me and my not being computer savy.Anyways I like the way the background looks on this one, my first try one was kind of splotched ( I don't even know if thats a real word) but I like it.

I used three pieces of string and three coordinating re-inker colors of Old Olive, Elegant Eggplant,and Only Orange. I put some re-iker into 3 different containers and dipped each piece of string using gloves on my hands so they would 'nt get messy, placed my white cs in between a sheet of scrap paper placed the string on my cardstock, held down the scrap paper with my cs and string in between, Pulled the string out from between the scrap paper, letting the string drag on it's way out. It came out looking kinda like a spin art. Some of the other ladies got like a flower design. It's neat how each one came out with a different look for their background. The cs I used for this card was Pumpkin Pie, Green Galore, and black of coarse.

Well it's been great to blog but I need to get some heavy duty studying in because I have 4 Tests/quizes next week Yuk! wish me luck. Til next time. Have a nice week.

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