Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What's up

Hello Everyone,

Well it certainly has been a while since I've blogged, It's been tough getting a turn on the computer lately with the two teens.Things that have been going on, well Ive been stamping but really haven't uploaded anything recently. My older son is now learning to drive and I've been taking him out on the roads, We went to see the musical Wicked 2 weeks ago, it was awsome, everyone enjoyed it, but now it's gonna give me a different perspective on the Wizard Of Oz. I went with my mom and three teenagers, then we went to eat after. It was a beautiful day in Boston. Two weeks from now we will be going to Boston again to see the musical White Christmas, I am a real theater buff when I get the chance. I love musicals. I've had a stamping class this past Sunday, we stamped on candles, they came out really nice, I'll have to take a picture an then scan it to upload it, first I have to get new batteries for my digital camera. It will probably be awhile before I get that one uploaded.
Halloween was quiet here, my kids are beyond the age of trick or treat so we just headed to the mall to watch all the others kids in their costumes, there were some real cute and new ones out this year, then came back to watch a movie and have some pizza.
I got some Christmas shopping done, I like to get the bulk of it out of the way before the real season gets here. I have only 17 Christmas cards made an I need about 30 so I betta get moving on that, also I made Hallowen candy bags for the people at work and some of the customers and ran out, I need to make more than what I made for Halloween for Christmas, I made 25 for Halloween. I need to get those started so I'm not rushing around last minute. Thanksgiving is only about two weeks away, I can't believe it, I'll be working in the morning, but we'll be out by 12:00pm so w can have our dinner, I don't usually cook, I'll bring something and we go to my brother's house this year. As you can see there will be lots to keep me busy and don't know when I'll get another turn on the computer, Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday if I don't get back on before then, thanks for visiting and til next time take care.

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