Tuesday, March 27, 2007

First SAS

Hi everyone,

I just had my first SAS last weekend. It went well. Everyone was happy with the 8 birthday cards and envelopes that they went home with. I wish that more could have attended. But we did have fun anyway. I set up four projects at a time and then had a break for refreshments while I set up the next four birthday cards. Most of these were cased with a few changes, some no changes I will try to upload some of them soon. I wanted to keep the cards simple.
This past weekend I went to Rhode Island to a quarterly meeting. It was fun. I learned a couple of things that I really am glad that I got a chance to learn like how to break down what to charge for classes that we put on . It was really ineresting. A lot of math though. I am going to try and do this for my classes. Also while I was there we made a card, an Easter egg, a squash book it's cute but it was difficult for me and a book that held envelopes so that we could put cards into to keep them togther.

Also this weekend my son was in the school play they did The High School Musical. The kids did a wonderful job all of them and I was proud of my son. The first night they had tech difficulties with the mic. We weren't able to hear well the first half, by the second half we could hear them beautifully. The second night was probably the best performance the kids really let themselves go, they were terrific the acting, singing and the enthusism was all there.Thanks for visiting,til next time have a great rest of the day.

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