Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Don't You Just Hate....?

Don't you just hate when you study for somting and you know you know it but when it comes to taking that test you mess up. I studied all weekend for a test I had to take on the nervous system today. I knew all the cranial nerves in order and when it came to the test the teacher missed 2 so I figured she wouldn't put it in order so I ended up messing the entire question up. It was in order and I knew them, that's what I get for looking too much into some questions, so I'm sure my grade won't be great. I'll be kicking myself for the rest of the week. On the other han we are almost done, wo more weeks hurray !
I still have yet to start my Christmas shopping, I'm so behind. I don't get out of school unil the 19 so it is hard to concentrate on Chistmas when all these finals are going to come up. I still have Christmas cards to make and name frames. The tree and decorations probably won't get up until after the 19th. I'm still waiting for a list from each of my boys for ideas. They won't get everything on that list but at least it gives me an idea of what to get them. They are more dificult to buy for now, they are 13 and 15. I'm open to suggestions, anyone? Any ways I'm venting thanks, somtimes I need that. Til next time. Have a good night

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