Thursday, November 09, 2006

Whoo hoo !

No school tomorrow, and no test to study for, I just might get a chance to stamp tonight. Only about four more weeks and the semester will over. My life will resume some sort of normalness after all the craziness I had this month. I never thought that it would be this hard.

I think I will start a few Christmas cards tonight because Christmas is coming fast. Just think Thanksgiving is only like two in a half weeks away. So whats everyone's plans for the upcoming holiday? We are going to be at my sister-in-laws. My husband has a good size family so there should be plenty of people. I kind of miss cooking myself because I like to have left overs, when we go to other people's houses we never get to take any leftovers, so I think I'll cook up a small turkey with all the trimmings so we are able to have leftovers for turkey sandwiches and such.

Also in November I will be having a technique class. Usually the last Sun of each month. Not sure I will do one in Dec. yet because everyone gets so busy. I would like to do something in Dec, but don't know what. If any ideas send me a comment. I would love some suggestions for a holiday stamp something or other.Gonna go my son needs the computer and I need to take advantage of this time for stamping. I hope the inspiration isn't lost because it's been so long since I've been able to stamp for myself. Til next time.

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