Friday, September 01, 2006

Well here it is Sept. 1, unbelivable how time flies. The kids are back in school. There were some really glum faces on the first day of school. But both the boys seem to like their teachers so far, especially the 13 year old. Lets see how long that lasts. The nights are getting shorter. I hate watching the nights get shorter, I am a summer gal although I love the early Fall, ya know before it gets too cold. I am a whimp when it comes to cold weather. I know I'm in th wrong state.

Any ways I'll be working on this blog thing , still working on it. I am learning. I've tried to add links but can't seem to get the hang of it. But hey I couldn't upload pictures a week ago and now look at my page, I have pictures, thats exciting. I hope this post goes up, I lost on describing the card that I uploaed tonight. Anyway that card below was a card we did at the technique class. It was the Kissing Technique.

This is still a fairly new experience,"blogging" I enjoy reading the others you guys are just so much further along and you seem to know what your really doing, unlike myself. Til the next time. Enjoy.

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