Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's still here!

My blog that is. Hi everyone, I've been way out of the loop it's been over a year since I've done this.I had my computer completely cleaned because we had got a really bad virus and needed to have it removed and on top of getting the virus removed they had to clean out all my info and of coarse I didn't have a back up disc,so I'm surprised this blog is still here. A lot has happened since the last post.
We moved from Leominster to Fitchburg, I have another new grandchild and I have a new niece who lives in Arizona. This new year hasn't started out too bad. I have one child in Highschool now and the other a student at Quinnsigamond community college, one son who has been driving the other now in the process of driving. We had our beautiful calico cat named Molly who has been with us for 7 years and we now have a terrier mix dog 5 in a half years old name Max who has joined our family. Needless to say the cat and dog do not get along, Max lives downstairs and Molly resides upstairs ocassionally they pass each other by and it's not good. I keep hoping that maybe they'll eventually get along.
I'm still stamping and I hold SU events every month ,I don't have my scanner working anymore at the moment but I do have a new digital camera which I have to figure out how to upload pics to this blog from so there won't be any pics of my cards or projects til I learn how to do that. I guess my son will have to give a crash coarse in that.LOL I am on facebook. Hopefully this year I can keep up better than last. we'll see. Til next time.

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