Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday Morning

Hello Everyone,

Well it's Monday morning and it's very rainy out,but at least it's warm. I know I'm a little late to get on board with this, but i spent a good part of my morning playing with the Big Shot,which kind of intimidated me,but I got a chance to play and practice, I used the extended cutting pads and the texturz plate with the silicone rubber and the text. plate. I made a box with the Fancy Favor big diez, cutting it wasnt bad but they should have mentioned that you need to use the 12x12 cardstock with this particular diez because the 81/2 x 11 doesn,t fit, I guess I should have known that by the measurements but as I said i'm a little intimidated by this machine, folding it was a little more challenging,but I eventually got it. I have a class using the Big Shot in March and want to be comfortable using it. It's been a productive morning as far as creating but now I have to get to the house stuff and pick up my son from school soon. I will put up the things I made when I figure out how to upload a 3 dimensional project.LOL. Thanks for visiting, til next time.

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